Bus Hire Sydney

Bus Hire Sydney

Low Cost Bus Hire Sydney with Driver

When in Sydney and public transport is just not an option then private bus hire Sydney is the logical choice.

At Sydney Bus Hire, we specialise in private bus hire with drivers with fantastic rates on all vehicle sizes ranging from micro seven seaters to large people mover coaches up to fifty passengers.


What are the benefits of bus hire Sydney with driver?

Having a professional driver takes away any stress of dealing with Sydney traffic while you relax with friends, colleagues or family listening to your own choice of music or just friendly conversation.

There are no parking hassles and no worries about designated driver from your own party.


All Sydney Bus Hire vehicles are accredited by Transport for NSW which allows us to use bus lanes and bus only entry and exit points at large event locations.

Travelling in the bus lane can cut travel time in half especially during peak hour times so the benefit of bus hire is already a winner.


When you use an accredited operator you will get a NSW Government authorised bus driver that will display his or her driver’s authority which allows the driver to carry passengers in a private hire or chartered vehicle.


At large events a bus company will typically arrange the bus parking with the event organisers which is going to be close to entry and exit points for ease of access. They are most likely given priority parking at smaller events and will be given right of way for access and exiting before and after the event.


What happens if you go public transport?

Large crowds, lots of waiting, most likely no available seats, loud crowds, no door to door service, long walks from bus stops, regret (especially if it rains), a chance of being late and missing the bus…..there are many reasons why private bus hire Sydney is the preferred alternative to public transport.


What happens if you use a private charter bus and bus hire company?

Guaranteed seating, friends, family or colleagues with you, social, door to door service, driver waits for all passengers before departing, safe environment, able to stop for toilet breaks, bus lanes and bus only entry & exits, express service to and from your destination, personal A/C or heating, seatbelts, personal music or radio, TV or DVD in the coaches and much, much more. Our fleet of luxury coaches and deluxe minibuses are all seat belt equipped for your safety.


When choosing your next private bus hire in Sydney, talk to Sydney Bus Hire for all your transport requirements.

See our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.